


Worked late tonight. It’s easy to do when the sun’s out and it still feels like afternoon.  Feeling good, getting a lot of paperwork done. I don’t like to do paperwork during the school day. It feels like I need to be doing so many other things. All of them involve students, teachers and parents.  So when it quiets down after about 4:00 I find it a perfect time to tackle things like email, calls I haven’t made during the day, planning and review.

This evening I’d just finished preparing for what our district calls the “Road Show”. It requires an inventory of all of the textbooks we have on hand.  Then we compare how many students we expect in terms of enrollment next year. Finally, we place an order just for about 10% above the difference. We want to be certain we have enough texts for all of our students. I wish I was ordering rich fiction and nonfiction for our classrooms – filling up the classroom libraries with picture books and chapter books and informational text that would engage and support our students. But that’s not what this is about.

I carefully took the information we had gathered across the last few days and put together the order so I can take it up to our appointment at the district office tomorrow afternoon.

It was then that it happened.

The big ouch.

I paper clipped the textbook orders together and set them atop my calendar. I posted a quick note to staff about science material refills and was preparing to gather my things to pack up.  But I cut it too short.

And suddenly without any notice at all, WHAM!

I ran my knee into the corner of my desk.  YEOUUUUCH!

It wasn’t an easy bang. It was a hard one. The pain kicked up the top of my leg and set me a little dizzy.  No one was around to hear me so I just yelled, “OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!” shattering the calm of the office. I set my head down for a minute knowing it would pass as does every ouch.


Good thing is… I knew I had something quick to write about.



SOL with website

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for sponsoring the Slice of Life Challenge again. And for support for writers and teachers of writing everywhere.  For more writing by awesome TWT SOLC peeps, click here.


About Be Strong. Be Courageous. Be You

Jus' tryin to do my part to make the world a little more wonderful.
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2 Responses to Ouch!

  1. franmcveigh says:

    Literally, OUCH! The hard way to claim a topic! Hope your Ouch is feeling better now that you are home!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. elsie says:

    Everything was going so nicely, so calm, that I began thinking that the ouch was going to be the size of your book order bill. Then bam! the true OUCH! happened suddenly. Now that’s what I call pacing in a story. 🙂 Hope the knee is feeling better and not too bruised.

    Liked by 1 person

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